Here is a little story that might buckle up your writing fitness. It is a story of me sitting in literature classes in expense of physics classes. Although I knew it wasn’t right but my passion for literature had grown beyond imagination. So I watched hungrily at the busy literature students who spend much times analysing poems of Chinua Achebe, Wole Soyinka and the likes. Perhaps that erupted more of my passion for poetry as took up the habit of reading poems at my leisure hours.
It remained, until a day came when I had the crazy idea of writing a poem of my own. Here is the thing, I am almost sure it wasn’t good enough but that little poem of mine received  a whole lot of praises and accolades from my colleagues in secondary school. “The science poet” was a title that leeched on me till graduation. However, I continued to write, write and write until today

Dear reader, that story tickles my cheeks into a cheerful smile every time I receive writing awards and congratulations. Hence as an aspiring writer, my advice to you is to:
Ø  Read as many write ups as you can. And
Ø  Write, write and write.
The more you write the better your chances of becoming a professional writer.

Mathematically, I mean...
Frequency in writing, F, α Awesomeness of write ups, A,
                                F α A
Where k is a constant known as TIME

Write  a poem today and don’t hesitate to share... *winks*