As a mother who cares about her son’s future I thought it was right to ban Ola from watching that nonsense cartoon. Well, I knew very well that he might hate me for it but what happened today didn’t give me options to choose from… My Ola was getting addicted to Tom and Jerry!!!

When he arrived from school today, Ola rushed into the living room to watch his cartoon as always. He gets himself seat very close to the TV set and turns his back on his assignments and house chores . I could even hear his childish laughter from outside today and it almost was getting me irritated when I eventually decided to make a motherly call. Ola…Ola! … Olayemi !! Perhaps my child also decided not to answer his mother’s call today or something. But after minutes of futile screams, I a little frustrated, so, stormed in and switched off the television.
Although, Ola dared not murmur a word at me, I could still hear whispers of dissatisfaction from his gestures as he ran lazily to my errand. I had asked him to buy two Derica of rice , #50 groundnut oil, and #50 pepper. Was that too much to send your ten year old son? Seriously, I felt a little bit sorry for interrupting his nice splendid time,but, what choice did I have _ No Food for a Lazy Man…
So I threatened him witchingly not to forget what he was to buy before he fled into the street. It happened. The kiosk is only a 10 minutes walk from our house ,yet I had to wait about two hours before Ola finally showed up. During my wait , I was already boiling in extreme anger and I really hoped he had a sweet totally convincing expalantion for his lateness . Any ways , I already prepared a slim looking cane and body – hurting punishments for my notorious son.
Yes, Ola did had an explanation , but that kind of got him into more troubles. I couldn’t believe my own ears; “ Mummy, I met Tom and Jerry ….and they took the money away from me…”. He didn’t expect me to believe that, did he? Of course I didn’t at all… He must have stopped at a friend's house to play during which he misplaced the money. First I canned him mercilessly for loosing the money, then, I punished him viciously for returning very late and lying about the true reason. Plus, I strictly banned that cartoon called ‘Tom and Jerry’.
After I had satisfied myself in dealing with the boy, Tom and Jerry truly appeared! I…I got really confused too when their mother dragged both of them into our yard claiming they stole from Ola.
I never knew those names exists in real life..
I wondered what type parents gives their sons such ridiculous nomenclatures?
…And what type of mother wouldn’t believe her child even when he pleaded unguilty with tears gushing from his innocent eyes…
We all bullied Ola ; Tom , Jerry and I, his mother. And I am so so sorry...
Moral Lessons
Ibrahim Olalere

#copied from My Facebook Page