Build Your Own Blog Writing Scholarship, 2015

About :

Are you a student with ambitions to become a
writer? Or perhaps you’re more advanced in
age yet still dream about sharing your writing
passion with others.
Whatever your story, this opportunity could be
your big break.
We’re looking for a talented writer to support
through the New Writer Scholarship 2015

Organizers : Build Your Own Blog

Guidelines :

Who can participate?
Anyone at least 16 years of age.
Your submitted work (Short story/Poem/
Blog post/Any written material you are proud
of) cannot be published earlier as part of a
printed book (a “book” is defined as having
an ISBN), and your submission has not been
submitted to any other printed material that
may publish this same work).
If you piece has been posted on a blog/
website, you must include a page URL where
the piece can be found online.
The work must be in English (Your country
of residence can be anywhere.)
Only single individuals can apply.
Submissions from a team of two or more
will not be accepted.
* You can submit your work to other future
competitions/scholarships once the winner is
announced. We don’t have any right over your
submitted work, nor will we publish it without
your consent.
Your work can be written specifically for this
scholarship or can already exist – it doesn’t
matter! The important thing is that you have a
desire to share your masterpiece with others.
*Please note that we reserve the right to
disqualify participants that engage in unlawful or
fraudulent behavior.

Click here to enter
Deadline : November, 29, 2015