#copied... https://mobile.facebook.com/julietkego/posts/552086031635868

It's that time of the year again...
Korea-Nigeria Poetry Fiesta is reloaded and better, courtesy Korean Culture Centre of the Embassy of Republic of South Korea.
Any five (5) poems of your choice (Not previously published in a book form) on any theme and in any poetic form could win you...
N100,000 (Adult Category) OR
N50,000 (Secondary School Category)
The adult category is opened to POETS ALL OVER THE WORLD.
Your time starts NOW!
See further details in the attached flyer.

Organizers : Event Horizon Magazine

About :Event Horizon Magazine is hosting a science poetry competition with a grand prize of $500.

Theme: Submitted work shall be inspired by and/or incorporate scientific thinking, concepts, or principles.

Submission Requirements: In order to be eligible, a submission must adhere to the following format:

One submission email per entrant, sent to eventhorizonmag@gmail.com with the subject line “Poetry Competition Submission” and a submission attachment titled “LastName_FirstInitial_PoetryCompetition“.
Submission attachment can include up to three (3) original poems written in the English language, with each poem beginning on a new page. There is no limit for line count.
Submissions shall have a cover page listing poem title(s), entrant name, email address, physical address, and phone number.
Only .doc, .docx, .rtf, and .pdf files will be accepted.
Submissions shall NOT have the name of the entrant anywhere but the cover page.
Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but we must be notified immediately if part/all of the submission has accepted elsewhere.
By submitting, each entrant agrees that: (i) the submission is original and does not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any third party, (ii) the submission has not been published in any other outlet, and (iii) s/he will be bound by these official rules. The entrant retains intellectual property rights to their submission. In the event of any dispute regarding a submission, Event Horizon Magazine and the Judge have sole discretion in final ruling and no communication with/to the entrant is required.

Prize: The winner will receive $500.00. In addition, the winning submission will be published in Event Horizon’s April 2016 issue

Deadline : 29, February, 2016

For more information... Click

Who says writer's block has no cure?

Every writer must have experienced this once or even a thousand times, depending on how long he or she have taken up the writing duty. More emphatically, no writer on planet earth is free from this writing disease_it popularly called WRITER'S BLOCK. The disease is defined as the inability to begin or continue work on a piece of writing; normally temporary (English dictionary).

A practical description of writer's block

Here is a brief practical description of writer's block ; You grab a pen, and seize a page to your desk with a mission to scribe a nice write up. But at the end of the day, you are able to write only few lines before running out of words or ideas.
Many writers who have experienced this have ended up abandoning the write up and seeking for a new idea. But, some writer's immunity to this disease could be so low that they abandon the writing duty, thinking they have lost the talent.
However professional writers cannot afford to give in to writers block. Probably because they have a whole lot of audience awaiting their latest release. It might even be because they're in the middle of writing a novel.

"A professional writer is an amateur who didn't quit"...

It is then very important that you also seek to adopt cures of Writer's Block,else you might remain an amateur for a very long time.
So, the question is What Is/are the cure(s)?
For the benefit of clarity and precision, here are highlights of common causes of writer's block

1. Fear : A lot of writers are often afraid or too shy to pen their true thoughts about an issue. They are either afraid of critics or just too harsh on themselves to produce a perfect write up. Until the fear is subdued, writer's block might linger on.

2. Time factor : You really need to choose the best time to put down what's in your head. Reflect about it for a little longer until you are now certain you have enough to write.

Now, here are ideas on  how you can get rid of writer's block...

Go for a walk- This happens to be my favorite

Try playing around for a while. Could even be video games or phone games

Go somewhere else

Eliminate distractions

Pick up a book and read. You can even fetch stuffs to read on the internet. Read writeups by good and your best writers.
But, when you do this, don't get intimidated, get inspired...

Listen to something. Perhaps a splendid recitation

Or you can just write and edit later...

I am hoping darely these works for you. And most importantly, never quit!