By Miss Sopheeyah Oyesanya

1.Read extensively; from pamphlets to novels,journals and articles.
Also be friends with your dictionary, learn new words everyday.

2.As a writer,you've to  be observant,notice little things,even things that people consider as weird cus that's where you'll get ideas and inspirations from.

3. Take a walk,listen to conversations and note important points down,write everyday.
Spare at least 30mins to an hour daily writing... You don't have to feel like it,write even when you don't feel like.

4.Choose a convenient routine for yourself,if u feel okay writing in a serene environ-don't deprive yourself of the pleasure and if a restaurant is cool with you-then go for it.

5.Whenever you're writing-use precise sentences instead of long ones.
E.g If I'm writing a story now and I've to describe that Jane came back from work tired,she opened her fridge but found it empty and she got very angry at her sister for that.
Instead of writing "Jane was very tired because her day was stressful,she entered the room in a sleepy state and opened the fridge but she found it empty. She got angry and slammed the door"

I can replace it with"Her muscles ache from the strenuous exercise of the day, she staggered to the fridge only to find it empty.She hissed and slammed the fridge door"
By using this,i created an image in the mind of my reader and ts precise compared to the first paragraph.
6.Create powerful images in the mind of your readers.This is important for your write up not to get boring...E.g if I want to write "I'm sweating profusely"
I can replace it with something like "tiny sweat beads wet my forehead"
While doing that,be sure not to include unnecessary expressions.

7.Focus more on meaning than creativity.
Creativity adds flavour to your write up but don't allow it to cloud the true meaning.

8.Read and learn from other writers but your write up doesn't necessarily have to look like theirs.
Develop your own unique concept.

9.While you're writing, be sure to dominate the mind of your readers,don't sound confused.
It's your write up and they can only believe what you make them believe...they can feel only what you make them feel.

10.Share your write ups-don't be shy to let people read what you've written.
And learn to accept critiques, don't feel offended or upset by comments.