Okay, I'm half glad and half nervous that I'll be doing this. I'm not much of a writer, infact there's every possibility that you'd be a better writer than I am (and that's saying something, my fam can attest to my vanity).
However, what I'd like to pass on to you guys this week is how to write with "Emotional honesty". Some of my best pieces according to my critiques was when I *let go*; I wasn't worried about how many rhymes I could do or how big the words were. I wanted to my reader to feel my emotions. I poured my heart into it and though it didn't have that polished finish to it but it was raw with emotion and inherently honest. The thing is, when you write with your heart and sincerity and you're not trying to impress anyone, you say the things you're afraid to say normally. You've laid your heart bare for someone you've probably never met to see. I once saw a quote that said "A great writer must make a fool of himself" and I agree. At least in my experience, I'd say it's true.
As an active member on wattpad, I've come across stories written by people with English being their second, third and even fourth language and they struggle to write a story in English. However, I've stuck with the terrible grammar because I can see they have a story worth telling.
As a reader, I try to point out and help them convey their stories. I remember writing a story about some of my experiences as a teenager. I was very *coughs* rebellious back then and I ended up going to four secondary schools. Some of the experiences weren't so pleasant and I had no one to talk to about them. So before I entered university, I decided to write letters to people that had hurt me or touched me and I put the on wattpad. It's my least read books on wattpad, given that it's very short but every comment says almost the same thing, "I could feel her pain".
I hope reading this had opened your eyes to a thing or two.