Cultural Weekly’s Jack Grapes Poetry Prize
Poetry Contest has begun!!!
Organizers : Jack Grapes
Rules :
1.You may submit up to 3 previously
unpublished poems. What do we mean by
unpublished? If it has appeared in any book,
magazine or edited website, then it is published.
Sole exception: if you have posted it only on
your own blog or social media, and you take it
down and leave it down, we will consider it
promise to make a quick decision.
3. You may submit only once during this period.
Choose your best work! There is a submission
fee of $4 for up to 3 poems.
4. You must follow the formatting rules.
Submissions that do not follow these rules may
not be considered.
5. Submissions must be in .doc or .docx format.
(No “pages” “txt” “pdf” or other formats.)
6. Your submissions must all be in a single
document. In other words, if you submit 3 poems, they should all be in 1 document, not in 3
separate documents.
7. Make the name of the file the title of your first
8. Pages must be numbered.
9. No unusual spacing or fonts. 12 point, Times New Roman preferred.
10. We read all submissions blind. List the titles
of your poems on the cover page. Remember:
your name, address, phone number and email
address must appear on the cover page only! All
other pages of your submission must contain NO
identifying information.
11. No poems will be accepted after August 31st,
2015, midnight Pacific Time. No entries will be
considered after that date.
12. By entering this contest you guarantee that the work you are submitting is your own original
poetry, that it has never been published
electronically or in print, and that it has not been
submitted nor accepted for publication
13. Our poetry editor will contact all those who
submitted with the results soon after the contest
ends. Your patience is appreciated. The decision
of the judges is final.
Prizes : Cash prizes of $250 for first place, $150 for
second place, and $100 for third place, including
publication in Cultural Weekly. In addition, three
finalists will be chosen and awarded $50 each,
including publication in Cultural Weekly.
For details about submission, Click
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