Saraba Manuscript Project

About : There is a growing interest in literature
published and discussed within African
countries. Saraba Magazine, a leading literary
publishing outfit based in Nigeria, has been
at the forefront of this conversation by
championing the work of emerging writers.
The Saraba Manuscript Project will
consolidate this mission.
Nigerian writers resident in Nigeria or
elsewhere in the world are invited to submit
completed fiction or non-fiction manuscripts.
Please note that each writer is expected to
submit only one manuscript for either the
fiction or non-fiction category. The contest
will produce a shortlist of ten writers, five in
each category. All shortlisted manuscripts
will initially be published as e-books and
audio-books. In addition, Saraba Literary
Trust will look to partner with one of the
foremost literary publishers in Nigeria to
publish the winning manuscripts from each

Guidelines : The Manuscript Project will target
Nigerian writers, who are at least 18
years of age.
Nigerians living abroad are welcome
to enter for the prize.
Fiction is broadly defined, but we are
looking for work with literary merit—
the story, simply, must be good and
well written.
Non-fiction will be judged based on
innovation in form. We want to see
projects that test the boundaries of
literary nonfiction. Submissions to the
prize might span memoir, biography,
or history.
Each manuscript should range
between 20,000 and 40,000 words.
All submissions must reach us by
December 15, 2015.
Only electronic submissions uploaded
to our online submission manager will
be accepted. The online submission
manager manager will be open during
the submission window only (August 3
– December 15, 2015).
Submissions should follow these
formatting guidelines: twelve-point
font (including chapter titles), double-
spaced text, numbered pages.
Note that we only accept PDF or Word
files (.doc and .docx).
When submitting, select “Saraba
Manuscript Prize” as the submission
Include the title of your manuscript in
the first page.
Please include the following in the
submission form: a cover letter
containing a biographical statement
and brief description of your
manuscript. Include details of previous
publications, such as links to websites
with your work, or the full citation of
your work in a print publication.
Only one document is required to be
We will not accept multiple

Deadline : December 15, 2015

Prizes : The prize includes an award of N100,000 to
the winning manuscripts in the fiction and
the non-fiction categories. All shortlisted
entrants will receive a publishing deal from
Saraba, including N100,000 advance against

For more information, visit