A guest post by Miss Kawbabs - Chemical engineering, University of Lagos

Trust me, this is one of the best poems I have heard in recent times. Whilst she recited at the literary evening with Chuma Nwokolo, I just watched with utmost admiration of the sincerity in her words... Oh! It did skip my mind to tell you about the literary evening I attended yesterday. Perhaps I'll do that after showing you this poem by Kaubabs.
Enjoy :
Here they come
By Kaubabs
Blowing peppered breath
On our sore wounds
Spurring saliva
To water withered dreams
They come like saints
Albeit they are Judases
Speaking of redemption
Like he who was
washed by blood
from the cross
I am afraid to hope
For their darkness can
Shadow tomorrow
The sacred calabash
Of our future
They mind not
Its breaking
As gloom at noon
Becomes a norm
We must smile
Waiting for a tomorrow
We might never see