Don't Get Intimidated... Get Inspired...

Well, I can opine that it is a naturally normal phenomenon to envy the goodness in other people's work. But it is quite irrational to let them intimidate your own talent. Although, in my mind, telling you this really seem like pot calling kettle black Once upon a time, I used to be a victim of superb write-ups. But I am perfectly over it now. In fact, since I found a cure, I usually spend my time searching for best and well written works online ... not to just envy, but to enjoy and get engaged. And it's working perfectly for me! OK.. Here is a gist on how I transformed getting intimidated into getting inspired...

1. First I accepted that creativity does not lie in my head alone. This confirms that there are so many writers out there, whose creativity hold no restraint.
2. But, I never seize to remind myself that I can be the best of them all.
3. However, I cannot be the best if I only give and not take. You should not keep writing and sharing your write ups without getting a timeout to go harvest some for yourself.
4. I envy and enjoy nice works. In fact, I share comments like... "wow".." you are good " and the likes.
5. From these , I get a whole lot of my inspirations . So far I try not to get intimidated, nice write ups usually do good to my mind as a writer. I pick ideas, refine and try to produce an even better works.
Trust me, it works perfectly! Moreover, getting all intimidated could kill your talent and grow discouraging thoughts in you, am I wrong?